Monday 13 December 2010

0 Group Roles Percentages (Billy Camden)


0 Shot list (Emmanuel Olobio)

shot list 2

0 Documentary

Monday 6 December 2010

0 Bill Nichols Theory (Billy Camden)

After much research into the the different modes of documentaries, i have come to the conclusion that the performative mode of Bill Nichols is the mode that best suites our documentary.

THE PERFORMATIVE MODE – filmmaker as participant
This mode of documentary emphasizes the subjective nature of the documentarian as well as
acknowledging the subjective reading of the audience - notions of objectivity are replaced by
"evocation and affect"
Codes /conventions
This mode emphasizes the emotional and social impact on the audience
Key Examples of the Performative Mode include:
Supersize me Morgan Spurlock 2004
Arguably, films by Michael Moore

Monday 29 November 2010

0 Documentary audience feedback questions (Emmanuel Olobio)

After the completion of my documentary we will carry out a questionaire to gain feedback on the finished product.
1.What did you think of the use of mise- en scene in the frame that is relevent to the interviewee ?
2.What do you feel were the strengths of the documentary?
3.What, if any were the weaknesses in the documentary?
4.Was the topic fair and interesting?
5. Did you find the documentary understandable and informative?
6. Where the speakers relevent in their comments?
7.Do you feel that we followed the typical codes and conventions of the documentary genre?   

0 Voice Over - Andy Popperwell (Billy Camden)

This is the recorded voice over of Andy Popperwell which i recorded for our documentary on Child Internet Safety.
Internet - Billy's voiceover by billy camden

0 Voice Over Script (Billy Camden)

Voice Over