Monday 27 September 2010

0 Filming Locations (Billy Camden)

28th September 2010
Location - Romford
Today we went out to film a number of cut away shots within Romford. We firstly filmed a few shots of the highstreet showing a few shots of fast food chain restaurants, after we went to ASDA in Romford and filmed a number of shots in which showed all of the 'fatty' foods and unhealthy diet options that  many people choose to eat and eventually it leads to obesity. These will hopefully help to the overall end product of our documentary and will help constitute our idea of 'Is obesitya growing problem in the UK?'.

0 Update: Week 2 (Reiss Ramsay)

After deciding on our subject matter we began to research the subject in more depth. We needed to know what obesity is, who it affects, the cost on the NHS and the problem with it. To do the research we will be looking at various health websites including the NHS. Statistics about obesity will also be sourced from the NHS website.

We also need to research the various different styles and genres of documentaries. It is important that we do this as when we come to film the documentary we need to make sure our documentary fits in with a certain genre. Our documentary should follow the conventions of similar documentaries thus it is important to research similar products.

0 Research into subject matter: obesity (Reiss Ramsay):

Obesity is a growing problem in the UK. It causes severe health issues such as increased blood pressure, heart failure and liver disease. These health issues are a burden on the NHS. The cost at the end of 2007 treating obese patients was £4.2billion and is set to increase to £6.2billion in 2015 if no action is taken.
What is Obesity?  Obesity is the accumulation of fat in the body. It is a state of being overweight to where it causes severe health issues. Obesity can be caused by a person having a bad diet which includes eating too much fatty foods and high sugar foods whilst not doing exercise. It is accessed by a doctor calculating a person’s body mass index which compares the person’s weight to height. You are considered clinically obese if your BMI is higher than 30 and morbidly obese if more than 40.
However obesity isn’t just a problem with adults there has been a national increase in the number of obese children.  More than 27% of children in England are now considered to be overweight.
There have been various arguments as to whether the NHS should pay for obese patients to undergo weight loss surgery. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence says surgery should only be available to those who are considered to be morbidly obese and where all other treatment options have failed.
There are many ways to deal with obesity; including seeing a dietician and exercising on a regular basis. However if a person does do this they will undergo severe health issues.

0 Research into Documentary/ Genre/ Modes. (Emma Jolly)


A documentary is a type of film which is created to highlight a certain subject of reality. A documentry can be either a short or long film but either way points out the subject matter.

Documentary points:
* A broad category of moving pictures.
* Highlights apsects of reality
* Orignally seen as movies.
* Once shot as a film stock now includes both video and digital production.
* Created for either Direct-to video or for a television programme.
* First documentary aired in 1926 and was a review.


Genre is the the title used for the categorie or literature a type of media falls into. These types of media can include; music, film, poetry and literature. A type of Genre highlights the structure of the media and and the meaning.

Genre (terms of documentary):

*Reality television is the genre of a televison programme.
* Unscripted, dramatic or humorous siturations.
* Film on reality events
* Realistic, original, 'everyday people' (non-actors).

Modes (documentary):

A Poetic Mode:
Resassembles fragments of the world, creating historical materical  into more abstract events, lyrical form.
( Associated with the 1920's)

The Expository Mode:
Directly adressed to the audience, social issues created into a argumentive or debative way, 'voice of god' narration.
( Associated with the 1930's)

The Observational Mode:
Technology advanced by the 1960's when cameras become smaller and lighter, less control was required over lighting, leaving social-actors to react with each other, can be known as 'direct cinema'.

The Participatory Mode:
Encounter between film-maker and subject is recorded with the film-maker engages in the subject of the documentary, direct questions on the subject, experiences shared.
Throught this type of mode tha subject of the documentary is made clear.

The Reflexive Mode:
Reflects the process of reading documentary, enages in issues of realism, ackowledges the questions and judgements of the viewer.
( Accosiated with the 1980's)

The Perfomative Mode:
Reviews the emotional and subjective aspects of the documentary, presents the ideas of the context, different views and meaning to different people, Usually autobiography nature, contempoary mode.
( Accosiated with post-moderism )

Information adapted from :

0 Group roles: (Reiss Ramsay)

Group Roles

Monday 20 September 2010

0 Update: Week One (Reiss Ramsay)

The project we have been assigned is to create a documentary. In the first week of our project we were put into a groupof four people. Once in a group we brainstormed ideas of different documentary projects. The two main topics that everyone agreed on was Obesity and The BNP.

The subject title for obesity is: Is obesity a growing problem in the UK? and for the BNP the subject title was Who are the BNP? After discussing the two possible subjects we agreed that obesity was more suitable as we would be able to get more people to talk about it rather than asking them to talk about the BNP.

The BNP is a very contreversal subject and it would be difficult to get people to people to talk about them. Furthermore the BNP members do not like to expose there identitys so it would be hard to contact members of the party.