Monday 29 November 2010

0 Documentary audience feedback questions (Emmanuel Olobio)

After the completion of my documentary we will carry out a questionaire to gain feedback on the finished product.
1.What did you think of the use of mise- en scene in the frame that is relevent to the interviewee ?
2.What do you feel were the strengths of the documentary?
3.What, if any were the weaknesses in the documentary?
4.Was the topic fair and interesting?
5. Did you find the documentary understandable and informative?
6. Where the speakers relevent in their comments?
7.Do you feel that we followed the typical codes and conventions of the documentary genre?   

0 Voice Over - Andy Popperwell (Billy Camden)

This is the recorded voice over of Andy Popperwell which i recorded for our documentary on Child Internet Safety.
Internet - Billy's voiceover by billy camden

0 Voice Over Script (Billy Camden)

Voice Over

0 Voice Over (Billy Camden)

Name: Andy Popperwell
Gender: Male
Reason why we chose Andy: In order for our documentary to fit into the typical conventions of a documentary, we chose to use a well spoken male of speaks standard english. A well spoken male who speaks standard english is vital to a documentary so that the audience can clearly understand what the voice over is saying and the message that the documentary is trying to put across. Andy also has a strong voice where he puts intonation and stress on key points of the script, this allows the audience to listen to the key parts of the documentary and know what sections of the documentary are most important.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

0 Update: week 9 (Reiss Ramsay)

All the footage has been log and captured and the editor has begun to edit the footage. The software which is being used to edit the documentary is Final Cut pro. After cutting the shots and putting footage onto the timeline we realised we needed more cutaways.

The cameraman and director went out again to film cutaways and the new cutaways have been uploaded. The group still needs to record the voiceover for the documentary, which should be recorded this week. 

At a later stage the voiceover and music will be added to the documentary. 

Monday 22 November 2010

0 Location notes (Emma Jolly)

Location shots included shots in which both our interviews were held an our cutaway's were filmed.

Location shots:

Havering classroom- Both Toby marshall and Bert Jones interviews were filmed in classrooms, both sat with a plain background and were held as more formal meetings.

Local Internet shop- A local Internet owener was interviewed in his own shop, the backdrop being that of his own computer and him himself being in front of his desk. We felt this was more of an informal interview and therefore his surrounding suited this.

Boys Bedroom- Tommy camden was another informal interview, he was asked questions based upon his age and therefore as again the sorroundings of his interview were not all that of importance.

Living room- Semar Jolly a police officer was filmed in her own front roon, although we took this meeting as more formal and would have liked to have filmed at her local police station, we was unable to do so however the interview itself came out as planned.


*Local Internet shop- Express the meaning of our interview.
*Local school- Filming of younger children and parents.
*Local police station- Cutaway with the more formal interviews.
*Child on computer- Meaning of documentary.

Saturday 20 November 2010

0 Profile on interviewees (Billy Camden)

Name: Abolarinwa Sunday Kolapo
Gender: Male
Occupation: Internet Cafe Owner
Reason to be interviewed: We decided that we wanted to include and hear the views of a person who is involved in the internet on a day-to-day basis. We wish to see what his views are on child internet safety, whether children are safe or not? and we also wish to hear what his internet cafe does to watch other people when they use the internet and what rules they have in place to make sure that there is no wrong usage of the internet witihin the cafe.
Questions we will be asking Abolarinwa:
- How do you monitor the sites that people visit in your internet cafe?
- What measures do you take when you see that someone is visiting sites that are prohibited in your shop?
- In your personal oppinion, do you believe that children are safe on the internet?
- What are the main sites that threaten children on the internet?

Monday 15 November 2010

0 Profile on interviewees (Billy Camden)

Name: Semar Jolly
Gender: Female
Occupation: Police Officer
Reason to be interviewed: The reason we wanted to interview a police officer is so that we can hear the views of the police on the issue of whether children are safe on the internet. We wish to see what the police has done to protect children when using the internet and what precautions they take. We also wish to hear how the police adhere to crimes on the internet and what they do to stop them. We then finally want to hear the personal views of the officer on whether they think children are safe on the internet. 
Questions we will be asking Semar:
- Have you seen an increase on crimes relating to technology over the past 5 years?
- Have the police done anything to increase security for children when using the internet, mainly social networking sites?
- Do the police receive any funds from the government to act upon any illegal acts committed using technology?
- In your personal oppinion, do you think that children are under threats when using the internet?

Thursday 11 November 2010

0 Profile on interviewees (Billy Camden)

Name: Tommy Camden
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Occupation: Secondary school student
Reason to be interviewed: The reason why we want to interview Tommy is because we believe that it will be very interesting and beneficial to our documentary to receive the views of a child who uses a lot of technology in his everyday life. We found it very interesting to see how a young child feels when using social networking sites and whether he feels threatened or comfortable when using them.
Questions we will be asking Tommy:
- On average, how many hours a day do you think you use technology?
- How many different ways do you access the internet?
- When using social networking sites, do you ever feel threatened?

Tuesday 9 November 2010

0 List of cutaways filmed (Emmanuel Olobio)

As our documentary needs to be both engaging and informative various cutaways needed to be filmed. Importantly they need to show some correspondence with our topic of child internet safety, below is a list of the cutaways filmed.

  • High angle shot of a child on a social networking site. 
  • Ardliegh green school sign - shot zooms out.
  • Medium shot of children leaving school. 
  • Medium shot Metropolitan Police station. 
  • Police lamppost/ signs. 
  • Close up of fingers on a mouse pad. 
  • Shot of a Facebook profile. 
  • Panning shot of students in a computer suite. 
  • Shot of computers in a shop (PC world)
  • Children on the street. 
  • Over the shoulder shot of a child accessing the internet. 
  • Romford town centre medium crowd shot.
  • High angle long shot of shopping centre.

Friday 5 November 2010

0 Software Used (Billy Camden)

Monday 1 November 2010

0 Possible Broadcaster (Emmanuel Olobio)

The broadcaster in which our documentary could be aired through is BBC News night. The BBC offers a wide range of factual programs including documentaries. I feel our documentary would be best suited to the BBC’s family of channels as one of their aims is to “Offer more distinctive factual programming to audiences, ensuring that even more intellectually ambitious mind can be stimulated also”. BBC News night documentary style is similar to our documentary as my textual analysis shows. The BBC as a broadcaster is well respected and has gained the trust of viewers therefore our audience can trust the information provided in our documentary.  BBC 2 Broadcast a news night documentary daily, also they enable viewers to access hundreds of documentaries online through its website BBC iPlayer. This therefore would attract my target audience who use the internet on sites like iPlayer, you tube etc. iPlayer would allow viewers to access documentaries that are aired on channels like BBC2, and 4 at any time and then can watch a whole series of documentaries thus increasing the accessibility and convenience of our documentary not only on TV but also on the web.  Below is a screenshot of BBC iPlayer it is on the section of the site that shows all factual programs including documentaries like news night.

0 Article Headline About Child Internet Safety (Billy Camden)

‘Parents need to educate themselves about their kids' online activities. From IM and chat rooms to blogs and social networking sites, parents need to learn what these technologies do, how they work, and how their kids are using them.’
This is another article headline about child internet safety, the article represents how parents play a big part in the safety of their child when using the internet and what they should do in protecting their children. 

0 Questionnaire graphs: (Reiss Ramsay)

Pre Production Graphs

0 Newspaper headlines about child internet safety (Billy Camden)

This article headline was take from
The article shows what actions are being taken to help childs safety on the internet.

0 Call Sheet Template (Billy Camden)

Call Sheet Template Filled

This is a copy of a call sheet that we have to fill in each time we take out a piece of equipment, the call sheet shows all details of where and what we are filming, plus specific details of how we get to the filming locations and other aspects to do with the filming part of our documentary.

0 Update: week 8 (Reiss Ramsay)

After log and capturing the footage on Final Cut Pro we noticed that the framing in the interview with teacher and parent Toby Marshall was not good. There was too much space above Toby's head as a result we are aiming to re-film the interview during the week.

Furthermore we need to film more cut aways to go in the documentary. We are going to film cutways of phone applications, mobile internet and a computer superstore.

This week we also began the editing process. We are using Final Cut Pro to edit the documentary. We have already log and captured the footage and started to edit some of the footage.

0 Documentary Script (Billy Camden)
