Monday 15 November 2010

0 Profile on interviewees (Billy Camden)

Name: Semar Jolly
Gender: Female
Occupation: Police Officer
Reason to be interviewed: The reason we wanted to interview a police officer is so that we can hear the views of the police on the issue of whether children are safe on the internet. We wish to see what the police has done to protect children when using the internet and what precautions they take. We also wish to hear how the police adhere to crimes on the internet and what they do to stop them. We then finally want to hear the personal views of the officer on whether they think children are safe on the internet. 
Questions we will be asking Semar:
- Have you seen an increase on crimes relating to technology over the past 5 years?
- Have the police done anything to increase security for children when using the internet, mainly social networking sites?
- Do the police receive any funds from the government to act upon any illegal acts committed using technology?
- In your personal oppinion, do you think that children are under threats when using the internet?


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