Tuesday 19 October 2010

0 Filming locations (Emmanuel Olobio)

In order to create credible cutaways that were linked to our subject matter we needed to film children with their parents. We knew that the best way to film large groups of children would be at schools. So one of our filming locations today was Ardleigh Green primary school, we filmed outside and also the signs. Another filming location was an local internet cafe in Romford,  this was another ideal filming location as it allowed us to gain cutaways of computers in use and also an interview from the owner. Finally the third filming location was Romford metropolitan police station, we used this location for establishing shots which will also be used for cutaways.         

0 CD music added and why? (Emma jolly)

for the documentary we needed to add music that fitted in with the idea of the documentary, with myself being in charge of sound i decided to search for music that was formal and therefore would effect the documentary in a positive and sophisticated way.
I came across two cd's named; BBC- World of discovery and Cultcrime- The cool and the ugly.
From these cd's i choose two songs from each these being; Barren deserts and we came from the caves (track 18 and 12 from world of discovery), also stench and its time (track 06 and 16 from cult crime).
The reason for these tracks was that they all gave the idea of wonder and tension whist also holding its depth in sophistication and understanding, all in which gave the idea of what our documentary is about.

I then uploaded them onto SoundCloud which will then be added to my groups documentary once in its editing stages.

0 BBFC Age certification (Emmanuel Olobio)

The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-governmental body which has classified  films in the UK for nearly a decade. The decisions on classification are based on the BBFC’s published and regularly updated Guidelines. The Guidelines are the product of extensive public consultation, research and the accumulated experience of the BBFC over many years. These categories are U, PG, 12A, 12, 15, 18, R18. They reflect current views on film, DVD and video game regulation.

As a group whilst constructing our documentary we need to establish the age certification of our media product. In compliance with the regulations of the british board of film classification we rated our documentary a PG. A PG or 'Parental Guidance' is general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for very young children Unaccompanied children of any age may watch. A ‘PG’ film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. We feel that our documentary fits into this age classification as it does not contain reference to drugs, violence, bad behavior, sex, nudity, obscene language including but not limited to swearing. Although what sets it apart from a U, which is a universal and is suitable for all ages is that the theme could be scene as problematic and intense at times. 

Although most documentary's follow the pattern of suitable to all ages, there are some notable documentary's with a certificate of 12, 15 or 18. For example Michael Moore's documentary 'Bowling for Columbine' was rated a 15 by the BBFC due to the use of profanity, violence gore and reference to drug and smoking. This is a bleak contrast to our documentary and shows how they can range in certification like films.  

0 Update: week 7 (Emma Jolly)

So far we have filmed four interviews one of these includes the owner of an Internet cafe which whom gives his own opinion on child safety whilst using the Internet, and how he himself monitors this in his own Internet cafe. The other we filmed this week was a councilor of red bridge named Bert Jones. He was asked to give his opinion on how politics and the government have planned to attack cyber bullying and safety to young children online.
furthermore on the 19th of October we also finished filming our cutaways which included police advertisement and a local junior school.

We plan to finish our final interviews by the 22nd of October, and to begin editing the following week which is the 25th of October.

0 Voice over, who and why? (Emma Jolly)

For our voice over we decided to approach English teacher and personal tutor Tim Randell.
Tim agreed to do the narration and we have planned to start going through the script with him within the next week.
The reason we chose Tim was because of his understanding in English and his formal approach in terms of speech. With his teaching in English skills behind him we knew that Tim would be the perfect effect to add to our documentary and would give it the sophisticated touch it needed. 

The group hope to finish our script by the 22nd of october and therefore can start with the voice over on the following week. 

0 Documentary Font: (Emmanuel Olobio)

The font for our documentary is helvetica we decided to choose this style because it is a popular font. Also helvetica as a font has a dominating presence which is important for our documentary as it will make the text clear and concise for the audience to understand. We are using font size 22 because it is big enough to be seen on the screen but does not take focus away from other details/people on the screen during the documentary.

0 Update: Week 6 (Reiss Ramsay)

This week we go into contact with labour councillor, Bert Jones. I contacted Bert and left a voicemail asking him if he would be interested in expressing his views on our subject matter. Bert seemed extremely interested in what we was doing and arranged a day to come in so we could film the interview.

We filmed the interview and asked him set questions. He told us what the government are doing to combat child internet safety which including how MP Theresa May plans to tackle the issue. He also spoke about his personal views on the matter.

Monday 18 October 2010

0 Background research into documentary topic (Emma Jolly)

Above is a article taken from; http://www.theinternetpatrol.com/ . The article is based around a thirteen year old girl who commits sucide after constant cyber bullying via facebook and myspace.                                   

Research into our topic became an aspect which allowed us to explore in detail the real-life issues of our documentary. The article above was one that we became intrested in as it explained the worst situration that could occur through the use of the internet.
However we did also explore the benefits of the internet and how it has helped changed peoples life for the better.                                                                                         
Such an issue is something we have taken on board when constructing our interviews and so far have recieveed some positive feedback.                                                                                                         


0 Rule of Thirds (Emmanuel Olobio)

The rule of thirds is used in order to frame a shot. The image is divided into nine equal parts with two equally spaced out horizontal lines and two vertical. The technique allows the subject to be aligned in these points in order to create more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject would.

Above is an example of the rule of thirds in use the rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section. The main reason for observing the rule of thirds is to discourage placement of the subject in the center of the shot, or prevent a horizon from appearing to divide the picture in half as you can see the bee is focused on the right of the fame but the centre is primarily between the two vertical lines in the middle.

0 The Byron Review (Billy Camden)

On 6 September 2007, the UK government commissioned a review of the risks children faced from exposure to harmful or inappropriate material on the internet or in video games.

Psychologist Dr Tanya Byron was asked to lead the six-month review and the report detailing the work was published on 27 March.
Here are some of the key points taken from the report.

Children will be children - pushing boundaries and taking risks.
The safety of children should be a central concern for parents and society as a whole.

Google homepage, Getty
The report wants search sites to show when searches are safe
The remit has been to look at the grey areas - of legal, adult material such as 18 rated video games, and the risks to children online from a huge range of potentially harmful or inappropriate (but legal) content, contact with others and their own conduct. Mixed research evidence on the actual harm from video games and use of the internet does not mean that the risks do not exist.
To help measure and manage those risks there needs to be a focus on what the child brings to the technology and use our understanding of children's development to inform an approach that is based on the "probability of risk" in different circumstances.
Efforts should be focused on reducing the availability of harmful and inappropriate material in the most popular part of the internet.
Parents also have a key role to play in managing children's access to such material.

Teenage boy using computer, SPL
Parents need help to keep up with their children online
The internet cannot be made completely safe. Because of this, children's resilience to the material to which they may be exposed must be build up to ensure they have the confidence and skills to navigate these new media waters more safely. There are also steps that need to be taken in the UK and on a global platform to make the waters of new technology easier to navigate safely. This is about providing children and their parents with the proper tools, clear standards and signposts and somewhere to go when things go wrong.
Alongside new technology a new culture of responsibility is needed, where all in society focus not on defending entrenched positions, but on working together to help children keep themselves safe, to help parents to keep their children safe and to help each other support children and parents in this task.

Create a UK Council on Child Internet Safety that leads development of a strategy with two core elements:
1) better regulation - in the form of voluntary codes of practice that industry can sign up to.
2) better information and education, where the role of government, law enforcement, schools and children's services will be key.

Pegi logos, Pegi
The report wants games clearly labelled with age ratings
The council should investigate how the law around harmful and inappropriate material could be usefully clarified (including suicide websites) and explore appropriate enforcement responses. Develop an independently monitored voluntary code of practice on the moderation of user generated content, including making specific commitments on take-down times.
All computers sold for home use should have kitemarked parental control software and ISPs should offer and advertise this prominently when people sign up.
The council should ensure search providers agree to make it obvious what level of search is on (e.g. safe or moderate) and give users the option to "lock it" on. Every search engine clearly link to child safety information and safe search settings on the front page of their website.
A properly funded public information and awareness campaign on child internet safety to change behaviour.
Sustainable education and children's services initiatives to improve the skills of children and their parents around e-safety.
Creation of a "one stop shop" for child internet safety within the DirectGov information network, based on extensive research about what different groups of users want.

Computer keyboard, Eyewire
The report wants new home computers fitted with filters
100% of schools should have Acceptable Use Policies that are regularly reviewed, monitored and agreed with parents and students. Ofsted take steps to hold schools to account on their performance on e-safety.
Sustained, high profile and targeted efforts by industry to increase parents' understanding and use of age-ratings and controls on consoles.
That the statutory requirement to age classify games be extended to include those receiving 12+ ratings.
Introduce a hybrid classification system with BBFC logos on the front of all games (18,15,12,PG and U). Pegi to rate all 3+ and 7+ games and their equivalent logos (across - all age ranges) will be on the back of all boxes.
That there should be focused efforts to monitor enforcement of the statutory age ratings at the point of sale.
The BBFC and Pegi develop a joint approach to rating online games and driving up safety standards for children and young people in the games, under the auspices of the UK Council for Child Internet safety.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7316700.stm

When i began researching internet child safety, i came across 'The Byron Review', as i read into the review i found out what the government has done to act upon child internet safety. After looking at the research we were able to adapt the review into other interview questions and allow us to receive fuller and more in depth knowledge of the review.

0 Profile on interviewees: (Billy Camden)

Name: Bert Jones
Gender: Male
Occupation: Labour councillor of Goodmayes
Reason to be interviewed: The reason we have chosen to interview Bert is because we wish to hear the views of a member of parliament on our topic 'are children safe in this age of technology?', we hope to hear if the labour party has taken any actions upon protecting children from the internet, we also wish to hear if there will be any more enquiries taken into protecting children while on the internet, and lastly we wish to here his personal views on the topic at hand.
Questions we will be asking Bert:
- Do you believe that with technology growing, children more than ever are coming under threats when they use the internet?
- In 2007 the government commisioned 'the byron review', the recommendation of this review was to create a UK Council on Child Internet Safety that leads development of a strategy with two core elements:
1) better regulation - in the form of voluntary codes of practice that industry can sign up to.
2) better information and education, where the role of government, law enforcement, schools and children's services will be key.
Has the government acted upon any of these recommendations?
- Do you believe that there be should more monitoring from parents on their childs usage of the internet?
- Has the government looked into taking any more actions regarding safety on the internet?
- In your personal oppinion, do you think that there are certain threats against children on the internet?

Monday 11 October 2010

0 Profile on interviewees (Billy Camden)

Name: Toby Marshall
Gender: Male
Occupation: College lecturer and parent
Reason to be interviewed: We wish to interview Toby because we really want to hear the views of a parent and his thoughts on how social networking has effected parental views on the internet and the saftey of the internet. We also want to see if he as a parent has done or would do anything to protect his child when using social networking sites and to see if parents receive any help from other sources such as the government and police in protecting children when using the internet.
Questions we will be asking Toby:
- Do you believe that, in this age of technology, children are safe when using the internet?
- As a parent, do you monitor yours childrens usage of the internet?
- Do you receive any support from other sources such as the police or the government on protecting your children whilst using the internet?
- Do you feel that children come under threats when using the internet?
- Do you think that there should be tighter restrictions on how children use the internet?

0 Update: Week 5 (Reiss Ramsay)

We planned to film on Saturday 9th October however our interviewee couldnt make it. The interview has been rescheduled to this saturday. However instead of interviewing Joy we managed to set up and invterview with a teenager. We asked him about how the internet affects him and whether he thinks he is safe on the internet.

Furthermore on the 12th October we are filming our second interview with Toby Marshall at Havering College. The cutaways will also be filmed tommorow at a local high street.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

0 Filming Equipment: (Emmanuel Olobio)

In order to create a 5 minute documentary to a high standard,  the best filming quality needed to be achieved and that will not be possible without using the best equipment available to us. We used a variety equipment of high end equipment which will include a camera, tripod, pag light, microphone, shotgun mic and headphone. The camera we are using for our documentary is the Sony pd 60. This will be used for filming both cutaways and interviews. We chose this camera for its ease of use and functionality. The pd 60 is not only good for picture quality but is the best camera available for sound which is crucial for interviewing.     
To enable the camera to be sturdy whilst filming we used a standard issue Sony VCT R640 tripod. This will keep the camera sturdy as it has a spirit level also so it stays stright.

As we are creating a documentary it is important that our interviewees are heard by the audience. In order to capture the sound in the best possible way we use a tie clip microphone on our interviewees which connects to the Pd60. This microphone will run through the interviewees clothes and clip onto the collar so it is not seen by the audience.   

It is important for our production that whilst filming we use headphones. Headphones are important as we have to make sure the sound is being recorded as this is important whilst interviewing that the microphone is working properly.

0 Profile on interviewees: (Billy Camden)

Name: Joy Laguda
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former mayor of Newham
Reason to be interviewed: We have chosen to interview Joy because we believe that it would be very beneficial and interesting to receive the views of a person who has been involved in such a high standard political party (Labour). We will like to see how or if the government have helped the growing concern of children using various new types of technology and what they have done to try and protect these children from bad things within technology. Joy is also a parent so it will be interesting to hear her views from a parents perspective on our topic at hand.
Questions we will be asking Joy:
- Do you believe that with technology growing, more children are becoming more vulnerable to threats that surround the internet such as paedophiles and cyber bullying?

- Has the government done anything to help protect young children from these threats?

- Do you, as a parent, believe that there should be more acts taken by the government to protect young children whilst using the internet?

- Do you think that parents should monitor their child's usage of the internet more sincerely to protect them from threats on the internet?

0 Internet safety articles: (Reiss Ramsay)

This article was adapted from the BBC website. It is an online article about the protective measures that the government are taking in order to tackle online safety. From 2011 in England internet safety will become a compulsive part of primary school curriculum. This is one of many ways to teach young people about the dangers of online safety.

This is a similar article from the BBC outlining the launch of a new online watchdog. The program is set to protect young people from being subjected to harmful content on the web such as violent video games. These are just some of the ways that the government are trying to help protect children from the internet. 

0 Similar Documentaries: (Reiss Ramsay)

This video is demonstrates what we aim to do. The documentary shows the dangers that children face on the internet. It is a similar style to what we want to film. There are various cut aways showing the vulnerability of a young girl who is typing on her laptop. The interviewee is expressing her views on the internet.

However unlike this documentary we will use a variety of cutaways. The framing of our documentary will also be framed differently. In this documentary the interviewee is in the middle of the shot with space either side of her. We will be framing the shot so that the interviewee is placed on one side of the frame.

This documentary is very simple it cuts between one interview and cut away shots. This is compared to our documentary where we will be cutting between different interviews and cutaway shots. Furthermore we will use a voice over in our documentary.

Monday 4 October 2010

0 Documentary Logo: (Billy Camden)

Were based in havering college college so hence the name HCTV which stands for havering college television and will displayed in every shot throughout our documentary.
We adapted this logo from the BBC logo to give it more of a formal approach.

0 Production Schedule: (Reiss Ramsay)

Production Schedule

0 Target Audience: (Emmanuel Olobio)

We feel that the target audience age for our documentary is 16-45. The documentary will be soley aimed at this age catogory as it will be viewed mainly by teenagers and parents alike. The topic is broad which allows the target audince to cover a wide age range.
Parents are part of our target audiences because the documentary aims to be informative in explaining about their childs safety on the interent as the age of technology developes.

Above are two parents, Sally aged 32 and Paul 35. They have 3 children aged 1, 11 and 15. They are within our target audience as they fit within the age category. They also have two children that frequently use the internet and are not properly monitored whilst on social networking sites like facebook. The documentary will give them information on their children's safety in this age of technology. 

Pictured above is Tanya aged 16 she is on the other spectrum of our target audince. She is quite shy, vulnerable and lacks confidence, she spends a lot of her time at home on the internet, social networking on sites like facebook and bebo. Her parents rarely monitor her access on the internet as they are unaware of the possible harms her daughter may face. The documentary will also be aimed at informing teenagers like tanya the possible dangers she faces on the internet.

0 Audience Questionaire: (Billy Camden)

Audience questions
1.       What gender are you?
Male or Female

2.       What age category are you?
16 – 20       21 – 25       26 – 30        31 – 35         36 – 40

3.       Do you watch documentaries?
Yes, all the time
Quite often
Not very often

4.       What are your favorite subject matters?
Politics / sports / health / education / Current affairs / other

5.       What features do you expect to see within a documentary?
Interviews / voice over / graphics / cut a ways / other

0 Update: week 4 (Reiss Ramsay)

For our documentary we have to oraganise interviews. We began contacting various organisations such as the London police to ask them to speak about our topic. We also contacted former Mayor of Newham Joy Laguda. We are waiting for both contacts to get back to us in order to see if they will be able to help us with our documentary.

Furthermore we began to plan the various cut away shots that will be used in the documentary. We plan to film, with premission, cut aways of children walking with their mothers down the highstreet, youngsters on social networking sites, newspaper articles and statistics.

0 Research into subject matter (Reiss Ramsay):

Social networking is something that almost everyone indulges in. 44million people in the UK have access to the internet. Children and young people have become obsessed with social networking. The increase in technology has made it easier for children to access the internet at any time. However the problem with this is they are doing it unsupervised and the internet hosts a world of dangers.

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are extremely popular with young people as it is a way to talk to friends, share pictures and to meet new people. It is estimated that Facebook has more than 500million users. The sharp increase in the number of children going onto social networking sites has dramatically increased. Threats that social networking sites boast include: cyber bullying, pedophilia and computer viruses.

18% of children have reported coming across harmful or inappropriate content online. Protective measures are in place to prevent events such as pedophilia. One protective measure is the law brought into place called the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).  It is designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first.

0 Documentary Proposal: (Emmanuel Olobio)

Topic: Are children safe in this age of technology?

We decided to choose the topic of child safety on the internet as we feel it is a topic that is affecting more and more children as the age of technology develops. Children are having easier access to internet including social networking sites which exploits the vulnerability of children and is a problem that is growing out of control. The documentary will be an in-depth analysis into whether or not children are safe enough in this information age. The documentary would aim to answer the question “Are children safe in this age of technology?”It will highlight this problem or answer whether there is one, with facts   statistics and interviews from people who it directly or indirectly affects, for instance children, parents, police officers child protection agencies. It will also look a solution or ways the internet can be monitored.   

Key facts:
  • The growing number of children with access to the internet which is not monitored by Parents or Guardians.    
  • The amount of people on social networking sites posing to be children/ pedophiles.    
  • Legislation protecting children/adults on the internet.
  • Monitors in place on social netwoking sites like Facebook, Myspace etc.

Shots: The documentary will contain cut away shots of children on the internet social networking. establishing shots with children outside schools internet cafes etc.
Newspaper cut a way’s showing child vulnerability and pedophilia.
Adult looking at a childs profile information on a social networking sites.
Possible Speakers
Police Officer
Kid Shield
Member of Parliament
Child protection agencies
Representatives from a social networking sites ( facebook, twitter etc)

Group Roles
Emmanuel Olobio - Cameraman
Billy Camden - Director
Emma Jolly - Sound
Reiss Ramsay - Editor

0 Brainstorm: (Emmanuel Olobio)


Within our group we brainstormed ideas and ways to construct our documentary. We collated all our ideas within a brainstorm. This allowed us to see what angle we could take our documentary, possible speakers and perspectives.  
By creating a brainstorm we are able to know what particular points we need to address in our documentary with the relevant speakers.  

Sunday 3 October 2010

0 Update: Week 3 (Reiss Ramsay)

After speaking to different health organisations and nutritionists we found it was unethical to do a documentary on obesity. We were told that people from the NHS and other organisations would not publicly speak about the subject matter. As a result it would be hard for the group to source interviews for the documentary.

As a group we sat down and brainstormed some more ideas. We came to a conclusion that internet safety is a huge problem with children being able to access social networking sites so freely. Our new subject matter is how safe are children in this day of technology.