Tuesday 5 October 2010

0 Profile on interviewees: (Billy Camden)

Name: Joy Laguda
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former mayor of Newham
Reason to be interviewed: We have chosen to interview Joy because we believe that it would be very beneficial and interesting to receive the views of a person who has been involved in such a high standard political party (Labour). We will like to see how or if the government have helped the growing concern of children using various new types of technology and what they have done to try and protect these children from bad things within technology. Joy is also a parent so it will be interesting to hear her views from a parents perspective on our topic at hand.
Questions we will be asking Joy:
- Do you believe that with technology growing, more children are becoming more vulnerable to threats that surround the internet such as paedophiles and cyber bullying?

- Has the government done anything to help protect young children from these threats?

- Do you, as a parent, believe that there should be more acts taken by the government to protect young children whilst using the internet?

- Do you think that parents should monitor their child's usage of the internet more sincerely to protect them from threats on the internet?


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