Monday 4 October 2010

0 Research into subject matter (Reiss Ramsay):

Social networking is something that almost everyone indulges in. 44million people in the UK have access to the internet. Children and young people have become obsessed with social networking. The increase in technology has made it easier for children to access the internet at any time. However the problem with this is they are doing it unsupervised and the internet hosts a world of dangers.

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are extremely popular with young people as it is a way to talk to friends, share pictures and to meet new people. It is estimated that Facebook has more than 500million users. The sharp increase in the number of children going onto social networking sites has dramatically increased. Threats that social networking sites boast include: cyber bullying, pedophilia and computer viruses.

18% of children have reported coming across harmful or inappropriate content online. Protective measures are in place to prevent events such as pedophilia. One protective measure is the law brought into place called the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).  It is designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first.


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