Monday 4 October 2010

0 Target Audience: (Emmanuel Olobio)

We feel that the target audience age for our documentary is 16-45. The documentary will be soley aimed at this age catogory as it will be viewed mainly by teenagers and parents alike. The topic is broad which allows the target audince to cover a wide age range.
Parents are part of our target audiences because the documentary aims to be informative in explaining about their childs safety on the interent as the age of technology developes.

Above are two parents, Sally aged 32 and Paul 35. They have 3 children aged 1, 11 and 15. They are within our target audience as they fit within the age category. They also have two children that frequently use the internet and are not properly monitored whilst on social networking sites like facebook. The documentary will give them information on their children's safety in this age of technology. 

Pictured above is Tanya aged 16 she is on the other spectrum of our target audince. She is quite shy, vulnerable and lacks confidence, she spends a lot of her time at home on the internet, social networking on sites like facebook and bebo. Her parents rarely monitor her access on the internet as they are unaware of the possible harms her daughter may face. The documentary will also be aimed at informing teenagers like tanya the possible dangers she faces on the internet.


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