Monday 18 October 2010

0 Profile on interviewees: (Billy Camden)

Name: Bert Jones
Gender: Male
Occupation: Labour councillor of Goodmayes
Reason to be interviewed: The reason we have chosen to interview Bert is because we wish to hear the views of a member of parliament on our topic 'are children safe in this age of technology?', we hope to hear if the labour party has taken any actions upon protecting children from the internet, we also wish to hear if there will be any more enquiries taken into protecting children while on the internet, and lastly we wish to here his personal views on the topic at hand.
Questions we will be asking Bert:
- Do you believe that with technology growing, children more than ever are coming under threats when they use the internet?
- In 2007 the government commisioned 'the byron review', the recommendation of this review was to create a UK Council on Child Internet Safety that leads development of a strategy with two core elements:
1) better regulation - in the form of voluntary codes of practice that industry can sign up to.
2) better information and education, where the role of government, law enforcement, schools and children's services will be key.
Has the government acted upon any of these recommendations?
- Do you believe that there be should more monitoring from parents on their childs usage of the internet?
- Has the government looked into taking any more actions regarding safety on the internet?
- In your personal oppinion, do you think that there are certain threats against children on the internet?


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