Monday 4 October 2010

0 Documentary Proposal: (Emmanuel Olobio)

Topic: Are children safe in this age of technology?

We decided to choose the topic of child safety on the internet as we feel it is a topic that is affecting more and more children as the age of technology develops. Children are having easier access to internet including social networking sites which exploits the vulnerability of children and is a problem that is growing out of control. The documentary will be an in-depth analysis into whether or not children are safe enough in this information age. The documentary would aim to answer the question “Are children safe in this age of technology?”It will highlight this problem or answer whether there is one, with facts   statistics and interviews from people who it directly or indirectly affects, for instance children, parents, police officers child protection agencies. It will also look a solution or ways the internet can be monitored.   

Key facts:
  • The growing number of children with access to the internet which is not monitored by Parents or Guardians.    
  • The amount of people on social networking sites posing to be children/ pedophiles.    
  • Legislation protecting children/adults on the internet.
  • Monitors in place on social netwoking sites like Facebook, Myspace etc.

Shots: The documentary will contain cut away shots of children on the internet social networking. establishing shots with children outside schools internet cafes etc.
Newspaper cut a way’s showing child vulnerability and pedophilia.
Adult looking at a childs profile information on a social networking sites.
Possible Speakers
Police Officer
Kid Shield
Member of Parliament
Child protection agencies
Representatives from a social networking sites ( facebook, twitter etc)

Group Roles
Emmanuel Olobio - Cameraman
Billy Camden - Director
Emma Jolly - Sound
Reiss Ramsay - Editor


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