Tuesday 5 October 2010

0 Similar Documentaries: (Reiss Ramsay)

This video is demonstrates what we aim to do. The documentary shows the dangers that children face on the internet. It is a similar style to what we want to film. There are various cut aways showing the vulnerability of a young girl who is typing on her laptop. The interviewee is expressing her views on the internet.

However unlike this documentary we will use a variety of cutaways. The framing of our documentary will also be framed differently. In this documentary the interviewee is in the middle of the shot with space either side of her. We will be framing the shot so that the interviewee is placed on one side of the frame.

This documentary is very simple it cuts between one interview and cut away shots. This is compared to our documentary where we will be cutting between different interviews and cutaway shots. Furthermore we will use a voice over in our documentary.


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